Find A Specialist

Finding the right care can help you through your myelofibrosis journey

A myelofibrosis specialist can offer deeper insights and personalized treatment that go beyond general care

Use our tool below to find a hematologist-oncologist or a myeloproliferative neoplasm (MPN) specialist near you.

What’s a hematologist-oncologist?

A doctor who specializes in diagnosing and treating blood cancer. They have expertise in managing a wide range of conditions that affect the blood, bone marrow, and the lymphatic system; however, not all hematologist-oncologists have experience treating myelofibrosis (MF).

What’s an MPN specialist?

A healthcare provider who focuses on a group of rare blood cancers called myeloproliferative neoplasms, which includes MF. They have special training and knowledge in the complexities of MF and are up to date on the latest research and treatments.


Find a specialist terms

Sobi is providing this free tool to help patients find healthcare providers in their area who may have experience treating blood cancers. Neither Sobi nor MediFind have paid, nor received payment from, healthcare providers for inclusion in this free tool. There are no requirements on the way healthcare providers treat or provide services to patients. Healthcare providers are chosen for your search based on the geographical information entered. Inclusion of a healthcare provider in this tool does not represent an endorsement by or a recommendation from Sobi or MediFind regarding the qualifications of or medical care provided by the healthcare provider.

Your selection of a healthcare provider is your sole responsibility and is an important decision that should be undertaken with care. Sobi is not liable to you or others for any decision made, or action taken by you or others in reliance on the information obtained from this free tool.